Looking for ways to shape the future in a positive way?

Sustainable Design Workshops.
Including individually prepared projects.
Using Design Thinking methods.
Preparing participants for an individual independent professional path.

The combination of Design and Sustainability in their original meaning
contains a huge potential for a positive future.
Therefore we offer workshops for Designers to explore the possibilites
and find solutions for existing or expected problems
while discovering their individual professional path.

We are currently working on e-learning content on this site. Be among the first to hear the news when it‘s ready!

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only N:VISION related material once every two months max.
No third parties are involved at any time.

“Design devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.”

Herbert Simon

A matter of definition

If we lead the definitions of each Design and Sustainability back to their original meaning,
their intersects entails an enormous potential to change the world for the better.

A journey to the unknown…

We are convinced that business as usual is neither viable nor acceptable anymore. We therefore decided to leave our well-known believe systems and explore new shores. This a journey into the unknown and we expect it to be a long, circular and iterative process.

We believe combining Design and Sustainability enfolds an enormously powerful tool to shape a desirable sustainable future for everyone on this planet. We want to represent the change we want to see in the world and dedicate our professional careers to inform, inspire and empower other young aspiring Designers about the chances that lie ahead of them in the upcoming century. We want to help build smart solutions for the problems that already exist or are expected in the near or further distant future. We are convinced that a revolution is always introduced best by introducing new and better ways which make the old ones obsolete.

„There is something going on in design – something powerful. People have realised a simple truth: design is a legitimate way to change the world.“

Eve Blossom

Our Topics

Our topics display the action fields we see
for Designers to provoke the desired change in the world.
We are constantly working to develop their content further
and to extend our portfolio.

Design Solutions for Climate Change

The change in climate is measurable and visible. Dealing with current climate crisis scenarios as well as facing potential future threats, this workshop aims to find solutions in all fields.

Design Solutions for Industries​

The ongoing pardigm-shift towards sustainability and information society transforms industries of all kinds.

Products and processes need to be rethought and redesigned.

Design Solutions for Infrastructures

All infrastructures are undergoing a profound systemic change.

Whether it’s education, transport, health, or else: we need to prepare for a sustainable transformation in our community.

Design Solutions for Permaculture

As a resilient life-style on the smallest scale,
permaculture serves as a blueprint for replacing the mass agriculture system as well as a framework for poor and isolated regions.

Design Solutions for The Other 90 Percent

The majority of the population deals with fundamental problems on a daily basis. Finding ways to overcome the grotesque disparity between rich and poor is a big part of a sustainable future.

Design Solutions for Humanitarian Crises

In sudden humanitarian crises it takes too long for professional help to arrive.

Solutions for the rescue of victims and the immediate availibility of basic human needs need to be found.

Each of our workshops is mapped to endure five consecutive days during the usual working hours. Along four successive lectures each participant will work on an individual project free of choice.

Our mission

  • inform – “Sustainability is your key to a meaningful expertise in design.”
  • empower – “Your creativity has a higher impact than you know.”
  • inspire – “Your future will be brighter than you can imagine.”

Other formats or combinations of existing workshops are possible. Just talk to us about your expectations and we can see what we can do.

Objectives and Outcomes

Experience another form of Design
which is as old as humans themselves and has the potential to serve humanity other than maximizing profits. 

Understand Sustainability
rather as a human instinct of existence and preservation rather than another greenwashing  marketing trend.

Combine Design and Sustainability
to find out they are not that far apart from each other and discover their explosive potential to change the world.

Learn about a specific field
all aspects of it, the recent state of the art and factors contributing to or fighting against the development.

Find out why the time is perfect
since one meta-trend is replacing the other, leading to profound changes in all segments of our society.

Explore potential fields of action
for you personally and your further creative career according to your personal values, interests and talents.

Prepare an individual project
free of choice according to your values, interests and talents and find inspiration to make your project a reality.

Practise Design Thinking methods
which give you guidance through every stage of your creative process towards the desired result. 

Feel inspired and empowered
to dedicate your professional career to Sustainable Design and making this world a better place.

Open For

  • Designers of all kinds:
    Industrial Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Information Design, Process Design, Interaction Design, Social Design, Transportation Design, Educational Design, Systems Design, Urban Design, Design Theory, Design Science, Design Research, Design Leadership, Design Management, etc.
  • Creatives of related fields of study:
    Architecture, Engineering, Art, etc.

Our desired partners

  • universites, colleges and other institutions of higher education
  • co-working spaces, creative collaborations, design networks
  • associations, clubs, unions